Write Fun

Auto Pack

The program is written in python language, pyinstall generates executable files for windows platform, and nsis package program. Gitlab CI pushes tag and release. All are implemented using gitlab components.


Dockerizing. Let’s play with docker, write two dockerfile to fit gitlab ci and personal environment dependence.The location and name of these two files are: py3_win64_ins.df, nsis.df


GitLab CI.Make our pipeline. Build image and push it into GitLab Container Registry. Use pyinstall and nsis image generates executable and package file, the name is main.exe and apc-win64-v1.0.0.exe. These files are saved in the artifacts.Upload apc-win64-v1.0.0.exe file to GitLab Package Registry. Final push Tags and Releases on GitLab repo.


It was implemented here https://gitlab.com/NJ2046/auto_pack

